Meifon Li is...
... the head of a major corporation
... the captain of a state-of-the-art space ship
.. a formidable martial artist
... a skilled negotiator.
... only 16 years old
Meifon is an extraordianary girl, with an extraordinary tale to tell. Join Meifon as she and the crew of the Angel Links run a free pirate-fighting service. She's rounded up a crack staff of experts, including the master strategist Valeria and the unstoppable Dragonite Duuz. They're going to clean up the galaxy and they're not afraid of getting their uniforms dirty !
Pirate fighters just wanna have fun
It's business as usual for the crew of the Angel Links as they continue their war against the Pirates in the Oracion star system. However, even the busy crew of the Angel Links needs some time off to have a social life. Kosei meets with a Pirate girl, but it's not what everyone thinks-or is it ? And Meifon gets a mysterious invitation to hear "the Song of Mervaids" She's confident that she knows who her secret admirer is, but this date turns out differently then anyone could imagine !
Sometime it's a struggle to survive
Change is in the air at the Links Group, and everyone's life seems to be at a turning point. A shipment is stolen right outside the gate of the Links Group, and Meifon is determined to get it back. This time, however, it's strictly a ground caper and she and Kosei set off alone, and face a Tao Master! And later, Valeria, who was once a protegee strategist for the awesome Einhorm Empire comes face-to-face with an old comrade who offers her a deal. Meifon receives a visit from a long-lost Uncle, but this family reunion ends in tragedy. And, once again Meifon struggles to come to terms with the terrible destiny that is unfolding before her.
Destiny Awaits !
Meifon is tormented by the memories she's been having, and by the realization of her true destiny. In an attempt to escape from her pain, she disbands the Angel Links and the Links Group and relocates to a small village on a remote planet. But the past cannot be escaped, and it comes looking for her.
So, however, do her frieds and comrades from the Angel Links. Even Yayoi, the little gril she rescued earlier, comes to see her. But when Yayoi suddenly falls ill, the victim of a terrible poison, Meifon, mad with grief, is forced into a final confrontation with the evil pirate Goryu. Only one of them will survive.